Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thinking Sustainable: Interview with Event Organizers

As children, we were all dreaming of changing the world, in one way or another. Now the time has come, the time to put our dreams into action. No we are not Supermen and we don’t have any super powers but, still, with our small everyday decisions,
our conscious actions and our constant environmental awareness, we CAN make a difference. How, you might ask. Well, we asked the seven members of our team exactly the same question and got quite interesting insights.

According to Alexander Schastak, to make the world a better place to live, we should “subsidize long-term sustainable ideas, so that everyone can afford them.” But subsidization of certain industrial branches is not all, thinks Alexander, the environment-friendly lifestyle should become fashionable and attractive. Proper education is an important part of this process as well, since the investment in education leads to enhanced performance of sustainability in every possible sector. And finally, Alexander believes that we should “get away from advertising the usage of cars only by one person and make public transportation more popular and effective.”

Sherieka Callam emphasizes the great importance of individual action, of environmental awareness and participation- “We have the power- as individuals, as citizens, as members of society with rights; we just have to realize our individual will. I will not attempt to make suggestions for what we can do, because this will be inadequate, but let you know that it starts with ‘I’ and then play a part in the ‘out there’ efforts. Make yourself aware!” - And we can only agree that the long journey starts from a small step, and the great changes start… from ourselves.

“We must be idealists in fighting for sustainability to be followed by others”, Nodira Aminova agrees with Sherieka, adding that “we must believe that sustainability is possible and make others believe in it”

Olga Belorusova shares the same view, stating that “we should first of all start with ourselves. Here and now. Sort our waste, use sustainable modes of transportation, learn more and tell everyone about it in personal and professional conversations, through initiatives and decisions.”

Anastasia Shklyar thinks in this direction. She says, that “each of us can make the world better with simple things in everyday life, for example with recycling things or rational use of water resources. And of course we have to educate our children and teach them about sustainability.” It does not matter where you are working, you can do something for sustainable development,  believes Anastasia.

Thinking also in terms of individual action, Romain Vuattoux reflects more on our place in the universe. He believes that “we need to differentiate clearly between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. And while ensuring our wants, we should not compromise our real needs or those of others.” Innovative solutions, which will help reduce the consumption and simultaneously increase the quality of life- only these things will help to make the world better, thinks Romain.

Overall, we got a lot of incredibly helpful ideas and insights, but if you still hesitate, not knowing how to make a change. 

Kateryna Korsun knows an answer: “We have to do only one thing! Ask ourselves when we are planning to do something: is it sustainable?” If the answer is “yes” with no hesitation, we can keep on doing it! If not, we should try to make our actions more sustainable and go on!” Simple and effective, isn’t it?

So, don’t hesitate! As agreed on by all the members of our team: It is YOU, who can make a difference and change the world. Just do it!

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