Monday, May 14, 2012

Who has not dreamt about saving the world?

Most of us want to do good and make a difference. But everyday life gets in the way making us forget that small things can make a big difference. That’s just what it was like for us at Abob.

We are three entrepreneurs with IT and marketing backgrounds who have each felt for some time now that it would be great to do something which would make a difference. Over the past few years we have been searching for such a product struggling to identify one that was not only practically possible but also touched our hearts.

Then one day we started to see things more clearly. We should not try to save the world with yet another product. Instead, we should seek-out everyday disposable items and make them reusable. We came up with the expression ”one-use abuse”. Inspired by the thought that small things can make a big difference, we quickly identified the plastic bag as our first target.

This led to new challenges. To be a conscious and responsible producer and consumer was not as straight-forward as we had thought. There are lots of great initiatives and certifications for fair trade but it’s a jungle out there, much larger than we had ever anticipated. Most of us want to make conscious choices but what does that really mean? We decided to make it a founding principle that all products we introduce must be produced with care for people and the environment. And from this was born the idea of A better option brands. To offer everyday products for a sustainable living.

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